Luke 6:45

A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.


Hello, my name is Melinda. I want to give you some history/testimony about myself.  I was raised in a small town in Harts, WV.  My parents moved alot, mostly due to the fact my dad was looking for work, so needless to say I've lived in Michigan 3 different times. 
My mom became a born again Christian at the age of 24 I believe, so she started taking my sisters and I to the Chruch of God when she went. 
My dad was an alcholic as far as I remember and finally quit drinking in 1996.  I grew up with an alcholic and abusive father.  He mainly was abusive to my mother and I mostly lived in fear. 
 At the age of 14 we moved to Dearborn Heights Michigan where I finally got to finish High School.  I went to a Freewill Baptist church mainly because it was in my back yard practically.  I loved the youth group and learned about God, but never learned that there was a relationship to be between God and I.  I went to church but to me then it was more of something to do than to worship God for who He was.  I met my first love in HS and became pregnant and married him shortly after.  My parents left back to WV and I stayed here in MI to start my own family (which at the time my family had no idea I was pregnant.)  By the time I had my son I was 18 going on 19 and no longer going to church except on rare occasions.  By the time I was 20 I was divorced and had met someone new.  This was the beginning of my path of destruction.  I began to "party", drank, and did drugs as often as I could.  My "new love" became abusive toward me physically and mentally but of course I thought that it would stop, this even continued while I was pregnant.  I married the "new love" right after the birth of my first daughter and cut back on the "partying".  After we were married the physical abuse stopped and I became pregnant with my "surprise" second daughter. By the time she was 7 months old we were going thru a divorce.  Now I am 24 years old with 3 kids and going thru my second divorce.  After this I became what I call a "borderline" alcholic.  I went out EVERY weekend and got falling down drunk.  I NEVER left the bar sober.  Then about 3 years later I met the "biggest loser" (and NO I am not talking about the show) of my life.  He was 5 years my junior and I thought I could "train him"....Boy Oh' Boy was I WRONG!!  He was a druggie and an alkie, and got me into more drugs.  He was WAAY more abusive than my second husband and wayy more dangerous too!  It was the first time I saw demonic spirits in my home.  I began to have delusions of bugs crawling up my walls, and seeing spirits as well.  This relationship of lasted for almost 2 years.  One night he broke into my house (which he also lived with me and I kicked him out during one of our fights) thru the kitchen window and I was sleeping on the couch.  By the time I woke up he was on top of me punching me like a man.  I got up and he was stomping me on the floor and I thought that I was going to die.  I cried out for the first time that I could remember to God and I said "Lord if you get me out of this mess...I PROMISE you I will NEVER get back into it again!!"  Now I was on all fours and he was punching me in my head and I know that only by the grace and Mercy of God I managed to get up and (I had just gotten a cast off my hand because he broke my pinky finger and I had to have screws in it to hold it together) I looked at my hand that I just got the cast off of and thought..if I don't fight back he's gonna kill me.  So with the recovering hand I started punching him as hard as I could in the back of the head until my arm got tired, then with the other hand I started upper cutting him in the face, and I made a break for the door!  I ran to my neighbor's house who also was my friend and he came outside and said "Don't worry I'm leaving"..and I NEVER WENT BACK to him and he NEVER came back!!  A few months later I met my current husband whom was the perfect gentleman, and soo romantic and loving..I thought "this is tooo goood to be true."  But it wasn't ...about a year after we were married I stopped everything: drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol. After we were married one day I asked him..."you wanna go to church tomorrow?"..And to my surprise he said "YES."  We went to church the next day and I rededicated my life to the Lord and my husband got saved and that was almost 8 years ago.

Today I am happily married since August 10, 2002 and I have 3 great children.  I have been called to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ as we all are and I hope and pray to reach the lost anyway possible. He has broght me thru some really hard and difficult times in my life, many I haven't even mentioned and He has blessed me with many things in my life, and has given me some really great talents, in all I wish that He will use me anyway that He will to further his kingdom.


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"What a great blog, I am glad I found it. I am now following you. I loved reading your testimony. I was born again 3 years ago myself after a life full of sin and destruction. My life has changed dramatically and I devote my whole life to Jesus. I wish more would do the same. God bless you for your blog!"

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